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🚨 If you are feeling suicidal, homicidal or are experiencing psychosis or self harm urges – dial 9-88 or 9-11 in the USA.  OR go to your nearest ER. In any other country, call their emergency number or go to the nearest ER.🚨


TEXAS – 🚨 emergency and crisis resources: 🚨

dial 9-88 or go to:

Psychiatric Urgent Care

56 East Avenue

Austin, TX 78701



TEXAS – therapists and psychiatrists – low income resources:


Lone Star Circle of Care

Austin & surrounding areas



Bluebonnet Trails

Covers most of the counties surrounding Austin but not Austin



HAWAI’I – 🚨 Crisis resources: 🚨

call or text 988

Hawaii Cares – besides providing crisis and suicide counseling, they also provide additional mental health and substance use services – see their services – click here

Also try:

Hawaii Pro Bono Services – click here